Entendiendo el sistema de archivos del cluster de Proxmox
Esta «tabla» te ayudará a entender cada uno de los archivos que se alojan dentro de la base de datos config.db de un nodo de Proxmox (también conocida como Proxmox Cluster File System o pmxcfs, a secas):
/etc/pve/firewall/cluster.fw # Firewall configuration applied to all nodes /etc/pve/firewall/*.fw # Firewall configuration for individual nodes /etc/pve/firewall/*.fw # Firewall configuration for VMs and containers /etc/pve/ha/crm_commands # Displays HA operations that are currently being carried out by the CRM /etc/pve/ha/manager_status # JSON-formatted information regarding HA services on the cluster /etc/pve/ha/resources.cfg # Resources managed by high availability, and their current state /etc/pve/local/ # Enlace simbólico a /etc/pve/nodes/ /etc/pve/lxc/ # Enlace simbólico a /etc/pve/nodes/NombreDelNodo/lxc/ /etc/pve/nodes/NombreDelNodo/lxc/*.conf # VM configuration data for LXC containers /etc/pve/nodes/NombreDelNodo/openvz/* # Prior to PVE 4.0, used for container configuration data (Obsoleto) /etc/pve/nodes/NombreDelNodo/priv/* /etc/pve/nodes/NombreDelNodo/qemu-server/*.conf # VM configuration data for KVM VMs /etc/pve/nodes/NombreDelNodo/pve-ssl.key # Private SSL key for pve-ssl.pem /etc/pve/nodes/NombreDelNodo/pve-ssl.pem # Public SSL certificate for web server (signed by cluster CA) /etc/pve/nodes/NombreDelNodo/pveproxy-ssl.key # Private SSL key for pveproxy-ssl.pem (optional) /etc/pve/nodes/NombreDelNodo/pveproxy-ssl.pem # Public SSL certificate (chain) for web server (optional override for pve-ssl.pem) /etc/pve/nodes/NombreDelNodo/config # Node-specific configuration /etc/pve/openvz/ # Enlace simbólico a /etc/pve/nodes//openvz/ (Obsoleto) /etc/pve/priv/acme/* /etc/pve/priv/lock/* # Lock files used by various services to ensure safe cluster-wide operations /etc/pve/priv/storage/*.pw # Contains the password of a storage in plain text /etc/pve/priv/authkey.key # Private key used by ticket system /etc/pve/priv/authorized_keys # SSH keys of cluster members for authentication /etc/pve/priv/ceph* # Ceph authentication keys and associated capabilities /etc/pve/priv/known_hosts # SSH keys of the cluster members for verification /etc/pve/priv/pve-root-ca.key # Private key of cluster CA /etc/pve/priv/pve-root-ca.srl /etc/pve/priv/shadow.cfg # Shadow password file for PVE Realm users /etc/pve/priv/token.cfg # API token secrets of all tokens /etc/pve/priv/tfa.cfg # Base64-encoded two-factor authentication configuration /etc/pve/qemu-server/ # Enlace simbólico a /etc/pve/nodes//qemu-server/ /etc/pve/sdn/* # Shared configuration files for Software Defined Networking (SDN) /etc/pve/virtual-guest/cpu-models.conf # For storing custom CPU models /etc/pve/.clusterlog # Cluster log (last 50 entries) /etc/pve/.debug /etc/pve/.members # Info about cluster members /etc/pve/.rrd # RRD data (most recent entries) /etc/pve/.version # File versions (to detect file modifications) /etc/pve/.vmlist # List of all VMs /etc/pve/authkey.pub # Public key used by the ticket system /etc/pve/ceph.conf # Ceph configuration file (note: /etc/ceph/ceph.conf is a symbolic link to this) /etc/pve/corosync.conf # Corosync cluster configuration file (prior to Proxmox VE 4.x, this file was called cluster.conf) /etc/pve/datacenter.cfg # Proxmox VE data center-wide configuration (keyboard layout, proxy, …) /etc/pve/domains.cfg # Proxmox VE authentication domains /etc/pve/pve-root-ca.pem # Public certificate of cluster CA /etc/pve/pve-www.key # Private key used for generating CSRF tokens /etc/pve/status.cfg # Proxmox VE external metrics server configuration /etc/pve/replication.conf /etc/pve/storage.cfg # Proxmox VE storage configuration /etc/pve/user.cfg # Proxmox VE access control configuration (users/groups/…) /etc/pve/vzdump.cron # Cluster-wide vzdump backup-job schedule