Apps interesantes para OpenWrt
Apps con configuración mediante LUCI:
luci-app-acl - LuCI account management module. luci-app-acme - ACME package - LuCI interface. luci-app-adblock - LuCI support for Adblock. luci-app-bmx7 - LuCI support for BMX7. luci-app-clamav - ClamAV LuCI interface. luci-app-commands - LuCI Shell Command Module. luci-app-cshark - Cloudshark capture tool Web UI. luci-app-ddns - LuCI Support for Dynamic DNS Client (ddns-scripts). luci-app-dockerman - LuCI Support for docker. luci-app-lorawan-basicstation - LuCI Support for LoRaWAN basicstation. luci-app-lxc - LXC management Web UI. luci-app-minidlna - LuCI Support for miniDLNA. luci-app-openvpn - LuCI Support for OpenVPN. luci-app-privoxy - LuCI Support for Privoxy WEB proxy. luci-app-squid - Squid LuCI Interface. luci-app-tinyproxy - Tinyproxy - HTTP(S)-Proxy configuration. luci-app-transmission - LuCI Support for Transmission. luci-app-travelmate - LuCI support for Travelmate. luci-app-ttyd - ttyd Command-line tool for sharing terminal over the web. luci-app-udpxy - LuCI Support for udpxy. luci-app-uhttpd - uHTTPd Webserver Configuration. luci-app-upnp - Universal Plug & Play configuration module. luci-app-watchcat - LuCI Support for Watchcat. luci-app-wol - LuCI Support for Wake-on-LAN.
Estos paquetes también pueden instalarse directamente desde la instalación de su paquete de idioma. Por ejemplo:
luci-i18n-acl-es luci-i18n-acme-es luci-i18n-adblock-es luci-i18n-bmx7-es luci-i18n-clamav-es luci-i18n-commands-es luci-i18n-cshark-es luci-i18n-ddns-es luci-i18n-dockerman-es luci-i18n-lorawan-basicstation-es luci-i18n-lxc-es luci-i18n-minidlna-es luci-i18n-openvpn-es luci-i18n-privoxy-es luci-i18n-squid-es luci-i18n-tinyproxy-es luci-i18n-transmission-es luci-i18n-travelmate-es luci-i18n-ttyd-es luci-i18n-udpxy-es luci-i18n-uhttpd-es luci-i18n-upnp-es luci-i18n-watchcat-es luci-i18n-wol-es
De hecho, casi es mejor directamente instalarlas mediante su paquete de idioma, porque así nos garantizamos tenerlas inmediatamente traducidas.
Apps con configuración mediante LUCI:
acme-acmesh - A client for issuing ACME (e.g, Letsencrypt) certificates. adb - Android Debug Bridge (adb) tool that communicate with an android emulator or device. adb-enablemodem - Enable modem via adb adguardhome - Free and open source, powerful network-wide ads and trackers blocking DNS server. apache - The Apache HTTP Server Project is a collaborative software development… apache-mod-http2 - HTTP/2 transport layer for the Apache HTTP Server. apache-mod-ldap - LDAP authentication/authorization module for the Apache HTTP Server. apache-mod-php8 - apache-mod-ssl - SSL/TLS module for the Apache HTTP Server. apache-utils - ? apinger - Alarm Pinger (apinger) is a little tool which monitors various IP devices by… arp-scan - ARP scanner arp-scan-database - MAC database for ARP scanner asterisk - Asterisk is a complete PBX in software. It provides all of the features… bash - Bash is an sh-compatible command language interpreter that executes… basicstation - LoRa Basic Station. The LoRaWAN Gateway Software. beep - This program plays beeps through the PC speaker block-mount - Block device mounting and checking bluelog - Bluelog is a simple Bluetooth scanner designed to tell you how many… bmon - bmon is a portable bandwidth monitor… (lista en desarrollo)